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AVS (Advanced Verification System) is our new Tool for EDA Verfication which enables the usage of our Verification Engine not only in TexEDA RF IC Studio but also in EDA Tools from other Vendors e.g. Keysight ADS.

Because AVS works in ADS we can provide a low cost tool for DRC and LVS Verification as well as Dummy Generation in ADS.

The DRC Debugging Environment allows a quick debugging of problematic places in designs through zooming and Highlighting in different colors. You can see an example of the handling in the following video.

To fix LVS problems AVS integrates our tool LvSCompare directly, which was previously only available in Linux and improves the performance drastically. This gives the customers fine control to easily compare LVS results as well as crossprobing of devices and nets. A very brief demonstration of LVS in AVS can be seen in the following video.

Dummy/Filler generation is an important step before tape-out and AVS gives customers the possiblity to directly Fill Layouts with our Tools be it in ADS, RF IC Studio or a different environment. In the demo Video we show the Fill process in ADS using AVS.